Happy New year!!

Happy new year! I hope 2012 was a VERY VERY GOOD YEAR!!

Just to let you know….

Some day, just some day, I will have my own blog thats not made by the school. On that blog, I post vlogs, gametim with Rin, ( Which is me) and just regular post. Trust me, they’ll be funny. Now, this might not come true, but I’ll work hard. Please pray that this’ll happen. I really want it to. Thanks for even reading this post, to know what will happen in the future.


WHO LOVES PRESENTS? … Come on, anwser me. Hello? Well, anyway,  I DO!!!! So much, LET’S talk about them!

MY top christmas presents are:

  2.  Wii motion plus
  3. Jaws the movie
  4. Contacts  ( well I got them on the third of january this year, but….  Still counts, right?)
  5. Smelly-good Germx
  6. A TV

And, thank you for being here for me. I know, there’s probaly no one out here that even gives a crud about this blog, but if youre reading this, I still want to thank you for being you. I want to thank my family for being there for me, (even though it doesnt really seem like it) and my sister for being there when I can’t figure out something in Legend of Zelda.

  What’s your Christmas Present? Tell me in the comments BELOW!!!

 Bye! SEE YA NEXT TWO DAYS (or so)


Happy Father’s Day!

Today is the day where we celabrate Dads! Rmeber tothank all of the  Dads, and to know what they done for us. Make sacrifices, and other stuff.

They couldnt even go to a baseball game every two months causse it’s expensive for ALL of the family.

Here is some facts of some endangered animals…

Here is some facts of some endangered animals we should all know in the U.S.A!
1:Barn Owl
Life span: Two Years!
Preadetors of young: Great Horned Owl, Fox, Raccon, Snake.
preadetors of Adults: Hawks, Eagles, Humans
2: Chinchilla
habita: Mountains
preadetors: Owls, foxes, mountain lions.
reason why endangered: Illigal Hunting & wild life trading
3: Grizzly Bear!
Habitat:Forest, Mountains
Weight: 400- 500
Predetors- Humans
Reason why its endangered: Loss of habitat
Habitat: Tropical Rainforest, Understudy of the forest.
preadetors- People hunting
Reason why endangered: Loss of habitat and people hunting
habitat: Savannahs and Grasslands
PREADETORS TO CUBS: Hyenas, Cheetahs, Lepords.
reason why endangered: Loss of habitat, people hunting
6:Panda bears
Habitat: forests in China
Preadetors: Brown bears, leapords, Wild Dogs, People
Why its endangered: Loss of Habitat
Habitat: Forest, wetland, rain forest
Predetors: People
reason why endangered: Loss of habitat
Habitat: Forest in mountains, grasslands, Forest in south america
Predetors: People
reason why its endangered: Loss of Habitat
9:Bengal Tiger
Habitat: Forest, Grasslands
predetors: People
reason why its endangered: Loss of Habitat & hunters.
I hoped you liked it! Get more facts at www.facts4me.com !
Leave your awesome comments BELOW!!!!!!

My Valentines!

Can you guess who MY Valentines are?  It’s my friends,  and family.

  • My friends and I have true Friendship. I can trust them with anything I trust them with.
  • Same things with my Family.
  • February is Black History Month, and one of my friends is black. She is very nice,and funny, and you will always want to be her friend.

If I could go to the store without my parents,  I would buy my friends and family lots and lots of chocolates!!


If there’s ever a time where we can’t be together, put me in your heart, i’ll stay there FOREVER!!- Winnie The Pooh.


What do I care deeply about? Like, REALLY, REALLY, care deeply about? Here they are. Some might be silly, but it’s just because I like it.

  1. I care about my relationship with God. When ever i’m mad, I want to go to the Bible.
  2. I care about my family.
  3. I care about my friends.
  4. I care about my puppy, Bailee. ( Craziest Dog in the Whole WORLD!!)
  5. I care about my BASKET BALL! ( I like my B-Ball 🙂  )
  6. I care about Animals)
  7. I care about me.
  8. I care about troubles
  9. I care about MOVIES!!!! ( They’re awesome! Can’t wait for the Hunger Games!!!)
  10. I care about my Dad’s BOAT!!!!!
  11. I  care about my Scentsy Bear, Poki.
  12. i care about EVERYTHING I LOVE!!!!!

What are YOU passionate about? Please comment!

My New Year’s Resolutions!!!!!

  • Hey people! This is my New Year’s Resolutions!
  • I need to start being nicer to my sister by not talking back, not bothering her so much :), and  don’t talk starcasticly.
  • I need to start practicing piano by having an alarm to remind me, and  looking at my Nook Tablet Tasks.
  • I need to clean my room more often by seeing if I can walk in there fine without jumping.
  • I need to mind my parents more by when ever they tell me to do some thing, I need to do it.
  • I need to stop when someone tells me to stop by not asking them so much questions.
  • I need to study my spelling words more by putting them on the on a peice of paper, then on the wall.
  • If I take Guitar lessons, I need to  start practicing  my Guitar by an alarm and my Nook Tablet Tasks.
  • I need to start practicing basketball more often by going outside.
  •  Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions? Do you have any suggestions of how to keep my Goals going?

Al about cheetahs!!!!!!!!! part 2.

  • Male and female cheetahs are both called cheetahs
  • Regular Felmale cheetahs have a home range that is extended to 322 square miles.
  • A female raises her cubs alone.
  • The regular life spam of a wild radio collard female is 6.9 years.
  • A male cheetah rarely lives alone
  • 2-3 male cheetahs (often brothers) Will form a group.
  • The group will usually live and hunt together.
  • Sometimes the male group’s (often brothers) home range will sometimes over lap the females.
  • The regular territory a male cheetah would have is 14.4 sqaure miles.
  • young males will sometimes look for a greater distince than their parents. Somtimes as far as 300 miles.
  • runs as fast as 71 miles per hour.
  • “Cheetah” comes from a hindi word meaning Spotted one.
  • Cheetahs are endangerd.
  •  Every part in a cheetahs body helps it run fast.