
Where do good ideas come from?

  I’ve always had deep thoughts ever since I was a kid. I’d wonder about everything, even
weapons, books, people, and God. My biggest question I have ever had was ‘ How are good ideas
  Like, how could someone think of a toilet? How could someone think up a gun and make it from
the image in your mind? How can someone come up with a story that has never happened, and
that no one else ever thought of, but yourself?
    Most ideas are made up of other ideas. Mozart is a great piano player, but he didn’t invent the
piano. Picasso is a great artist, but did not create paint or scenery of the Earth. BUT, who invented
the first idea?
   Some ideas take more than 3 years to fully see. When you first get an idea, you don’t see all of
it.It is very vague at first, like a foggy place.
Good ideas usually come from other smaller hunches, so they can become bigger. ( Meaning,
ideas are usually small, and if shared with the other small ideas, they will merge to one, bigger
than the rest.
 Ideas need time to incubate, before you see the full view. Think of an egg. It takes a long time for
it to hatch, where it starts to get bigger, then when it’s done aging, you see the full view. Just like
      Ideas come from sharing, and random collisions and openness, not hoarding and bursts of

General Nathanael Greene

Erin Bagley
General Nathanael Greene
 Heros can be anybody, even someone you don’t know. They might show up and save a life,
or do something to help a school with funds. But they don’t always have to be famous like
George Washington. There’s always heros that aren’t known. My hero is General Nathanael
   General Greene was one of the best generals President Washington. He was one of the
most dependable generals. Greene fought for other people, and one of his quotes is, ‘I will
fight for our  rights, and I won’t give up’. He risked his life fourteen times, so he is very brave.
    Whenever he first joined the U.S army, he started at the lowest  rank. But because he was
so dependable, he got to one of the highest ranks. His quote, ‘ We fight, get beaten, rise, and
fight again’ gives me a clue he was very determined. General Greene has served the U.S
until he died of sunstroke, but he also stayed true to his word.
    General Nathanael Greene is my hero because of all these things. He’s dependable,
determined, brave, and stays true to his word. I hope I become like him one day.

The Best Christmas Present I gave

     The Best Present I Gave
There’s some people in the world that only care about getting, when Christmas is really about giving. Some people don’t get anything, but yet they are still happy and joyful. So, last year I decided to give to the people who are freezing some blankets to keep warm during the cold season. Last year I gave three homemade blankets to a homeless shelter. It made me feel so joyful, knowing that the people who will get them will be warm during the freezing nights. Even though I never met those people, I’m sure they were very happy that they got the things that they needed that Christmas.

Happy New year!!

Happy new year! I hope 2012 was a VERY VERY GOOD YEAR!!

Just to let you know….

Some day, just some day, I will have my own blog thats not made by the school. On that blog, I post vlogs, gametim with Rin, ( Which is me) and just regular post. Trust me, they’ll be funny. Now, this might not come true, but I’ll work hard. Please pray that this’ll happen. I really want it to. Thanks for even reading this post, to know what will happen in the future.


WHO LOVES PRESENTS? … Come on, anwser me. Hello? Well, anyway,  I DO!!!! So much, LET’S talk about them!

MY top christmas presents are:

  2.  Wii motion plus
  3. Jaws the movie
  4. Contacts  ( well I got them on the third of january this year, but….  Still counts, right?)
  5. Smelly-good Germx
  6. A TV

And, thank you for being here for me. I know, there’s probaly no one out here that even gives a crud about this blog, but if youre reading this, I still want to thank you for being you. I want to thank my family for being there for me, (even though it doesnt really seem like it) and my sister for being there when I can’t figure out something in Legend of Zelda.

  What’s your Christmas Present? Tell me in the comments BELOW!!!

 Bye! SEE YA NEXT TWO DAYS (or so)


Happy Father’s Day!

Today is the day where we celabrate Dads! Rmeber tothank all of the  Dads, and to know what they done for us. Make sacrifices, and other stuff.

They couldnt even go to a baseball game every two months causse it’s expensive for ALL of the family.

Here is some facts of some endangered animals…

Here is some facts of some endangered animals we should all know in the U.S.A!
1:Barn Owl
Life span: Two Years!
Preadetors of young: Great Horned Owl, Fox, Raccon, Snake.
preadetors of Adults: Hawks, Eagles, Humans
2: Chinchilla
habita: Mountains
preadetors: Owls, foxes, mountain lions.
reason why endangered: Illigal Hunting & wild life trading
3: Grizzly Bear!
Habitat:Forest, Mountains
Weight: 400- 500
Predetors- Humans
Reason why its endangered: Loss of habitat
Habitat: Tropical Rainforest, Understudy of the forest.
preadetors- People hunting
Reason why endangered: Loss of habitat and people hunting
habitat: Savannahs and Grasslands
PREADETORS TO CUBS: Hyenas, Cheetahs, Lepords.
reason why endangered: Loss of habitat, people hunting
6:Panda bears
Habitat: forests in China
Preadetors: Brown bears, leapords, Wild Dogs, People
Why its endangered: Loss of Habitat
Habitat: Forest, wetland, rain forest
Predetors: People
reason why endangered: Loss of habitat
Habitat: Forest in mountains, grasslands, Forest in south america
Predetors: People
reason why its endangered: Loss of Habitat
9:Bengal Tiger
Habitat: Forest, Grasslands
predetors: People
reason why its endangered: Loss of Habitat & hunters.
I hoped you liked it! Get more facts at !
Leave your awesome comments BELOW!!!!!!

My Valentines!

Can you guess who MY Valentines are?  It’s my friends,  and family.

  • My friends and I have true Friendship. I can trust them with anything I trust them with.
  • Same things with my Family.
  • February is Black History Month, and one of my friends is black. She is very nice,and funny, and you will always want to be her friend.

If I could go to the store without my parents,  I would buy my friends and family lots and lots of chocolates!!


If there’s ever a time where we can’t be together, put me in your heart, i’ll stay there FOREVER!!- Winnie The Pooh.