Here is some facts of some endangered animals…

Here is some facts of some endangered animals we should all know in the U.S.A!
1:Barn Owl
Life span: Two Years!
Preadetors of young: Great Horned Owl, Fox, Raccon, Snake.
preadetors of Adults: Hawks, Eagles, Humans
2: Chinchilla
habita: Mountains
preadetors: Owls, foxes, mountain lions.
reason why endangered: Illigal Hunting & wild life trading
3: Grizzly Bear!
Habitat:Forest, Mountains
Weight: 400- 500
Predetors- Humans
Reason why its endangered: Loss of habitat
Habitat: Tropical Rainforest, Understudy of the forest.
preadetors- People hunting
Reason why endangered: Loss of habitat and people hunting
habitat: Savannahs and Grasslands
PREADETORS TO CUBS: Hyenas, Cheetahs, Lepords.
reason why endangered: Loss of habitat, people hunting
6:Panda bears
Habitat: forests in China
Preadetors: Brown bears, leapords, Wild Dogs, People
Why its endangered: Loss of Habitat
Habitat: Forest, wetland, rain forest
Predetors: People
reason why endangered: Loss of habitat
Habitat: Forest in mountains, grasslands, Forest in south america
Predetors: People
reason why its endangered: Loss of Habitat
9:Bengal Tiger
Habitat: Forest, Grasslands
predetors: People
reason why its endangered: Loss of Habitat & hunters.
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