- Male and female cheetahs are both called cheetahs
- Regular Felmale cheetahs have a home range that is extended to 322 square miles.
- A female raises her cubs alone.
- The regular life spam of a wild radio collard female is 6.9 years.
- A male cheetah rarely lives alone
- 2-3 male cheetahs (often brothers) Will form a group.
- The group will usually live and hunt together.
- Sometimes the male group’s (often brothers) home range will sometimes over lap the females.
- The regular territory a male cheetah would have is 14.4 sqaure miles.
- young males will sometimes look for a greater distince than their parents. Somtimes as far as 300 miles.
- runs as fast as 71 miles per hour.
- “Cheetah” comes from a hindi word meaning Spotted one.
- Cheetahs are endangerd.
- Every part in a cheetahs body helps it run fast.
Erin I love you blog! How many things do you have on your blog?!?!
Erin your blog is awsome
Thanks! Yours too!
Your blog is so neat! Cheetahs are so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!:)