aVoting on renting computers for the Yearbook staff, the Leaguetown school board will be holding an emergency meeting on Friday, Feb.6, due to a three week computer ban.
Because of a recent hacking in January, the district will be offline for the next three weeks, affecting classes such as Computer Science, web design and journalism. The yearbook staff, with a close deadline, request to rent computers for 500 dollars.
“Even if the yearbook company cut us a break for being late, we would risk not getting the book back before school ended,” says Rodney Stephens, yearbook advisor. “That would essentially kill an important tradition at the school. Yearbook Day for Seniors is one of the most beloved traditions at the school.”
Even senior Reggie White agrees with Stephens.
“Yearbook day is one of the highlights of our senior year.” said White. “Yearbook day is more popular than prom!”
Alexis Zavia, junior and editor of the yearbook, thinks otherwise.
“Our yearbook representative warned us that if we didn’t make the deadline, the chances of the book arriving before summer break were slim,” Said Zavia. “We were confident that this would not be a problem.”